Guide for Authors
Information to Contributors
1. Online submission
Manuscripts must be submitted online and professionally formatted in a Microsoft Word file. For inquiries and further submission instructions please contact the editorial office via the following link.
2. Length
The Journal aims to publish articles of no more than 10,000 words, excluding references. Authors of manuscripts exceeding this length may be asked to reduce the length or to place non-essential material in an online-only appendix, and this may be a condition for having the manuscript considered for review. Manuscripts should be written in English. Papers should include clearly marked separated sections for an Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review (Body), Discussion, and Conclusion. The Abstract should consist of no more than 250 words.
3. Referencing
APA style is used for references. Arrange the items in the reference list alphabetically by author, interfiling books, articles, websites, etc. Indent the second and following lines 5 to 7 spaces or one half inch. Use only the initials of the author's first (and middle) names.
4. Review process
All papers submitted will be accepted for publication provided all indicated revisions are satisfactorily discharged. The review process is overseen by the editor, who will allocate papers to referees according to their specialism and availability. If reviewers are not available to provide a review in a timely manner, the editor will provide feedback and guidance on necessary revisions to allow for publication.
5. Confidentiality
Unless otherwise specified, The Journal expects editors and referees to handle all submissions in confidence. If a referee wishes to delegate the review or seek the opinion of a colleague on a specific aspect of the paper, they are expected to clear this with the editor in the first instance.